Stay Blessed and Have a great night.
Wednesday, 31 December 2008
i'm back
Stay Blessed and Have a great night.
Thursday, 18 December 2008
one for him and one for her

Saturday, 13 December 2008
Friday, 29 August 2008
my bad...
My daughter obtained six A's and 4 B's.
A in Mathematics, English Literature, English Language, Art and Design, Textiles Technology and Media Studies
B in Biology, Physics, Chemistry and French.
Well done babes. Continue to focus and you'll be able to become and do whatever you dream.
Monday, 25 August 2008
not the end I expected
Charles Junior Hendricks 24th May 1990 - 24th August 2008
aka CJ
He was fatally stabbed to death. Young people put down the knives, carrying a knife is not glamorous nor does it make you a man. You have just taken the life of a young innocent child.
Charles you are gone but will never be forgotten.
Saturday, 23 August 2008
I have only completed 5 of the projects so far. I'll post some pictures soon, hopefully tomorrow.
See you soon, I'm back on the knitting. I've only completed about 45% of my Forecast Inspired Coat.
Friday, 8 August 2008
In the starting block.................
- Forecast Inspired Coat - Hand Knit
- Floral Fan Neckwarmer - Crochet
- Knotted Hat - Machine Knit
- Baby's Round Neck Jumper - Machine Knit
- Baby's Floral Round Neck Cardigan - Machine Knit
- Baby's Floral Dress - Machine Knit
- Frill Neckwarmer - Machine Knit
- Adults Asymmetrical Polo Neck Jumper - Machine Knit
I wonder if I'm being over ambitious since all of these will be my own designs, and I'll have to swatch, write and knit all of them in 17 days.
I'm just waiting for the games to begin.
God Bless
Thursday, 24 July 2008
on and off the needles
I using the forecast pattern as a starting block and then going off in my own directions as my mind tells me to. So lets see what I'll end up with.
Here's what it looks like at the moment...

And just off the needles .... Another Slouchy Copy Cat Hat. I just love this pattern. This is the brightest one I've knitted so far.
I need to find another hat pattern to cast on tonight.
God Bless and Keep Knitting.
Monday, 7 July 2008
Sunday, 6 July 2008

I'll keep you informed of my progress.
Saturday, 5 July 2008
the yarn devourer is completed
This creature devoured yarn like I've never seen before. It had me on on the edge of my sofa which had never happened to me before. This monster consumed 3.25 balls of Rowan Cocoon and 3.75 balls of Rowan Kid Classic. I finished with just 9cm of yarn to spare, knitting from your stash can be nail biting. But what a beauty!!!!!!!! I'm so looking forward to Autumn just to be able to wear this yarn devourer.
I've named her 'Ruffle Edged Scarf'. Would I make her again? Yep, but using slightly lighter weight yarns, as this baby weights a ton (well half a a kilo to be more exact). Imagine carrying that around your neck.
Well let me present to you the completed 'Ruffle Edged Scarf' formerly known as Morning Train Knock-Off Scarf by Megan Rogers.
without the pink frill
on my daughters neck 1

on my daughters neck 2
on my daughters neck 3
I told you she's a beauty.
Just in case you want to make one. Here are the details:
Started: 6th June 2008
Completed: 4th July 2008
Pattern: The Morning Train Knock-Off Scarf
Materials: Rowan Cocoon and Rowan Kid Classic
Colour: Cairn and Pink
Needles: 5mm Circulars, 5mm and 8mm Hook
Modification: Frill until contented or out of yarn.
God Bless.
Wednesday, 2 July 2008
i'm off the operating table
I'm off the operating table and out of hospital. I'm at home now, being looked after by my mother and daughter. I can't tell you how bored I've been this last week.
I was a bit ambitious with what I wanted to achieve in hospital and only knitted half a beret, which had to be pulled out at a later date. I blame it all on the morphine. Boy, did it my head spin. On the day of the procedure I was self administering morphine into my system every 5mins and then slightly less on the following day. I HATE PAIN.
Anyway onwards with the recovery.
Since having being discharged, I've completed another slouchy copy cat hat. I just love this pattern, once I'm finished here I'm going to start another one.
Take a look at the pictures below and make up your own mind about the beret.

Started: 29th June 2008
Completed: 2nd July 2008
Pattern: The Slouchy Copy Cat Hat
Materials: Artesano Ltd 100% Alpaca DK
Colour: C743 Green with flecks of grey (yummy)
Needles: Knit Picks Interchangeable 3.5mm and 4.5mm circular needles
Modification: Started with 96st
I have to say this yarn is fantastic and this is my favourite version that I've knitted so far.
Speak to you soon.
Sunday, 22 June 2008
i maybe quiet for a while
Keep checking back because I've just packed my hospital bag and it includes four knitting projects, two knitting books and one knitting magazine. I pray that the morphine works really well, because intend to leave that place with complete items.
See ya. Speak to you soon.
Sunday, 15 June 2008
my new wip
I know I've been a bit quiet lately. Life here is very busy. Work, work and more work. I need sometime to play.
This was on my needles until yesterday, now I'm using my crochet hook on it. It's a scarf. I know we are almost in summer and I'm working on a scarf. Well the weather here is still lousy and so I'm preparing myself for winter.
I'm hoping it will be finished by the end of the week, but that will depend on my work load this week. I have a couple of hours until it's time for bed, so I'm off - need to get hooking with my crochet hook.

I will see you soon. God Bless
Thursday, 5 June 2008
Wednesday, 4 June 2008
it's my birthday
Happy Birthday to me,
Happpeeeeeeeeeee Birthday....Can you hear him singing? Mr Stevie Wonder himself.
In fact, it was last week Wednesday. Look at these small treasures that my postman delivered to help me celebrate the day, gifts from family members.
What else could a knitter ask for? YARN.
A friend (an ex knitter) asked me if I wanted anymore yarn. She was trying to get rid of her stash that she had managed to built up over the years. Of course I couldn't refuse. I ended up with about 15 black bin liners full of yarn. All I need now is a place in my home for them and about 6 more pairs of hands to knit it all up.
If you are reading this Ms H - THANK YOU once again.
I'm off, I need to get some knitting or reading or knitting or reading or knitting or reading done...........perhaps I'll try to do both at the same time.
Tomorrow I'll upload my latest project. It's almost finished, just about 10 rows to go.
God Bless.
Wednesday, 21 May 2008
i've done it

I'll be back..............soon. See Ya.
Saturday, 17 May 2008
I'll upload more next week.
See Ya.
Sunday, 11 May 2008
bad blogger, bad bad blogger
It was the 27th April.
the latest creation
I'm back as promised. It's a fantastic day today. The sun is out, people are smiling and I just want to be out there laying on a beach enjoying it all. Unfortunately the nearest sand to me right now is out on the balcony..................that's right, balcony. In my nephew's sand pit.
Anyway here is a picture of my latest project.

It will eventually become this. I'm using Brown Sheep Cotton fleece in Periot. It's really really nicccccccccccccce.
See you soon. God Bless.
Saturday, 10 May 2008
hey, hey, hey
Did you miss me? I hope so.
Tomorrow I'll post some pictures of my newest project.
God Bless.
Monday, 21 April 2008
please forgive me
Whats more annoying is that I hadn't backed it up for a while.
I'm off. Going to start researching new laptops. This time a cheaper model.
God Bless.
Friday, 18 April 2008
listening to advise
Where have you been? What have you been doing? I'm just guessing that these are a few of the questions that you may be asking. Well, I've been here, playing about with the batch of over twisted yarn (all 12.5 kilos of it). Telephone calls have been going back and forth between me, the yarn agent and the yarn manufacturer. With very little joy. I even sent a completed garment knitted from this batch of yarn. The yarn manufacturer replied saying 'there is nothing wrong with the yarn', their 'technicians' have tested the batch. Please.......I've used this yarn for the last four or five years, I'm no novice with it and there is definitely a problem here.
Can they not see!
So I sought advise from my knitting mentor......
Sunday, 23 March 2008
It's been a long time since we've talked. Life is so busy at the moment, work, my business, my daughter; what can I say? I know, "Lord, I need an extra couple of hours in my day. How about it?" Anyway let me just get on with it, otherwise thats another 30 minutes or so lost.
I've been very productive this week and have completed 6 fine knit shawls. The 7th one is on the machine as we talk, but I'm bored with just going back and forth with the machine carriage so I'm taking a break from the knitting machine.
I plan to knit another 12 or 13 of these shawls over the next week or so. Let's see what this week has install for me.
In the earlier part of the week I knitted a baby's jumper (well one design but many samples). Now, this garment was one of my own designs, something I was experimenting with.
Sample Number 1 - REJECTED.
Sample Number 2 - REJECTED.
Sample Number 3 - REJECTED.
Now all three of these samples were coming up with the same issue. I thought the first two samples were errors I made, but after completing the third garment with the same problem I became a little suspicious. I later realised that the problem wasn't with the way that I was knitting the garments, but with the yarn. It had been over twisted, so once used it begun knitting on the bias. This was only evident once the garment was completed and I tried sewing them up. All the seams were twisted at an angle. Yikes!!!!!!!!!
Hopefully the problem will be solved after the Easter Weekend and the company where I purchased the yarn from will replace it. I mean it did cost me £350 give or take a few pennies.
Anyway God Bless. Remember that God loves you. He sent his only son, Jesus Christ to die for our sins. Now thats is true LOVE.
Thursday, 20 March 2008
Sunday, 16 March 2008
thank God spring is almost here
This week I haven't been as industrious as last week. I've only made the following
- 4 baby blankets
- 2 felted organic looking scarves
- 1 baby's jumper (that I knitted twice and the pattern is still wrong)
Thank God for the invention of the knitting machine.
My LYS has moved to 106 Lower Marsh Street. Yes, I know, all you Iknit followers already know that, but there maybe someone else reading this who didn't know. But now they know, because I've just told them. Anyway they opened yesterday morning and I visited them last night after work (around 7pm). The new shop is FANTASTIC. More space for new stock:-)
Talking about new stock (stash for you and me) I've been really good. It's the middle of March and I haven't purchased anything this month. Oops. I've just remembered. I have!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was just about to give myself a big pat on the back, for my great self control. Oh well there is always next month.
See ya. I'm going to have a afternoon nap, before starting work on some reports that I need to write.
God Bless.
Sunday, 9 March 2008
i feel like the ant
Why you may ask. Well, this week I've machine knitted
- 11 baby blankets
- 1 shrug
- 1 pair of fingerless gloves
I've done this whilst working and running a part-time business, no wonder my head is aching right now. I NEED TO SLEEP.
I'm off.
Friday, 7 March 2008
the power of transformation
I turned this....................

elbow length fingerless gloves
They're still a work-in-progress.
I can't and won't take the credit for this pattern because it's not mine. But I will say THANK YOU to all of you knitters out there who from the kindness of your heart publish your creations for others like me to use. Thank You once again.
Once finished, I'll update you with pictures of the completed item and I'll give you the full rundown of what yarn and needles I used. I guess you already know the yarn that I'm using from the picture above. Yes, it's another Cascade 220 creation.
Keep watching this space, because I'll be posting some freebies soon.
May God continue to bless you with creativity.
Monday, 3 March 2008
double take
Friday, 29 February 2008
another flying visit
Here we go.........................Ready? I hope so.
Let me introduce you to............. Felicity the First and Felicity the Second.

These were both fun and fast items to knit (taking a couple of days each). I did make one modification to the pattern, I casted on 90sts instead of the amount stated on the pattern.
Stay Blessed.