As soon as I saw this shot it reminded me of my trip to Antigua in Oct 2006. Antigua has beautiful sandy beaches with crystal blue water and clear sky.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh, how I miss the sun, sea and people.
In fact, this
picture is one of the blankets that I knitted a couple of days ago - A Blanket for Him Version 2. I'll take some pictures of the one for her once it has been blocked. Blocking is like magic, it changes nothing into something so special.
The blanket took about 1 hour to knit, this one of the joy's of machine knitting - it's speed.

Enjoy the beauty of this simple creation.

Pattern: Baby Blanket for Him Version 2 (My Own)
Material: 100% Lambswool
Colour: Dark Natural, Ullapool and Hydra
Machine: Brother 940 Standard Gauge
Started and Finished: Monday 25th February 2008
On the needles, or shall I say needle since I'm using a circular needle, which is perfect for this project (fingerless gloves) as it's only 22cm in length. More about the project later.

See ya. Have a great night.
God Bless.