Thursday, 29 October 2009

happy birthday babe

It's my baby's birthday today, she's 18 today. Can you believe it I haven't even bought her a present yet...ouch.

And no this is not hers... it all mine... My Dinky Cape.

Saturday, 24 October 2009

it's been a while

I can't believe it's been months since I last blogged. Wow!

Well I'm back.

Speak to you soon.

Friday, 5 June 2009

uk ravelry day

It's nearly here.  In less than 15 hours I'll be on a coach leaving London and heading towards Coventry.  I hope excitement doesn't keep me awake all night.  Check back here soon as I'll have pictures up of the day.

God Bless.  Speak to you soon.

Saturday, 9 May 2009

it's here...A Beret Named...JOY

Sorry it's been a lllooooooooog time since we've last spoken.  Time just seems to run by and days merge into one.  Anyway it's finally here...A Beret named...JOY.  Yes, I've named by first published pattern after myself...JOY.  Hope you like her as much as I do.

You can find her in Ravelry under A Beret named...JOY.


Monday, 16 February 2009

why so many?

Sorry, I've been quiet for a while. What can I say? I got caught up in the busyness of life. It's amazing how quickly the days, weeks, months just past us by. Can you believe it, we are in the middle of February already.

Anyway, back to the knitting. Why did I call this entry 'Why so many?' If you cast your eyes over to the right you will see my Knitting Countdown List for 2009. I'm using this list to record all of this years knitting projects, both hand and machine knits. As you can see I've knitted 8 pairs of fingerless gloves and 6 button hats. This simple answer for the post title is...for sale. Yes, I've knitted the items to sell on my stall. In the next few weeks I'll be knitting multiply amounts of the same items because I've booked in for two crafts fairs that will be happening next month. All I've knitted for them so far are 4 cashmere scarves. I better get knitting.

Speak to you soon.

Monday, 2 February 2009

the scene outside

Winter is here to stay, well for awhile. This is the scene outside my window this morning, the great white carpet had been laid by the great Almighty. Is't pretty?.............From inside a warm home.

These are just in time.

Little Arrowhead Neckwarmer


For more pictures and information, come visit me at Ravelry.
Speak to you soon.

Saturday, 17 January 2009

i'm on the way


fingerless gloves

fingerless gloves

wham bam neckwarmer

moss stitch scarf

For more detail check me out on Ravelry. See you there.

Thursday, 1 January 2009

happy new year

Happy New Year to you, may God grant you your heart desires in this coming new year.

During my stay in Spain I spent a lot of time reflecting on the past year and setting goals for this new year.

My knitting goals for this year...
  1. To knit 200 hand/machine knitted items by 31 December 2009.
  2. To knit 12 items for myself; 1 item each calendar month.
  3. To knit 6 items for my daughter: 1 item every other month - Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Nov.
  4. Keep you eye on this space and on Ravelry. I promise to have plenty of eye candy for you.

Have a prosperous New Year.