Saturday, 17 January 2009

i'm on the way


fingerless gloves

fingerless gloves

wham bam neckwarmer

moss stitch scarf

For more detail check me out on Ravelry. See you there.

Thursday, 1 January 2009

happy new year

Happy New Year to you, may God grant you your heart desires in this coming new year.

During my stay in Spain I spent a lot of time reflecting on the past year and setting goals for this new year.

My knitting goals for this year...
  1. To knit 200 hand/machine knitted items by 31 December 2009.
  2. To knit 12 items for myself; 1 item each calendar month.
  3. To knit 6 items for my daughter: 1 item every other month - Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Nov.
  4. Keep you eye on this space and on Ravelry. I promise to have plenty of eye candy for you.

Have a prosperous New Year.