Sunday 23 March 2008


Hello there.

It's been a long time since we've talked. Life is so busy at the moment, work, my business, my daughter; what can I say? I know, "Lord, I need an extra couple of hours in my day. How about it?" Anyway let me just get on with it, otherwise thats another 30 minutes or so lost.

I've been very productive this week and have completed 6 fine knit shawls. The 7th one is on the machine as we talk, but I'm bored with just going back and forth with the machine carriage so I'm taking a break from the knitting machine.

I plan to knit another 12 or 13 of these shawls over the next week or so. Let's see what this week has install for me.

In the earlier part of the week I knitted a baby's jumper (well one design but many samples). Now, this garment was one of my own designs, something I was experimenting with.

Sample Number 1 - REJECTED.

Sample Number 2 - REJECTED.

Sample Number 3 - REJECTED.

Now all three of these samples were coming up with the same issue. I thought the first two samples were errors I made, but after completing the third garment with the same problem I became a little suspicious. I later realised that the problem wasn't with the way that I was knitting the garments, but with the yarn. It had been over twisted, so once used it begun knitting on the bias. This was only evident once the garment was completed and I tried sewing them up. All the seams were twisted at an angle. Yikes!!!!!!!!!

Hopefully the problem will be solved after the Easter Weekend and the company where I purchased the yarn from will replace it. I mean it did cost me £350 give or take a few pennies.

Anyway God Bless. Remember that God loves you. He sent his only son, Jesus Christ to die for our sins. Now thats is true LOVE.


steel breeze said...

Those shawls are gorgeous! Are you following any kind of pattern? You've inspired me to have a go at those. Beautiful!

Scheherazaad said...

The shawl stitch looks beautiful. With all that production planned I hope that you have a motor. I used to machine knit (Passap now in storage). When I got a motor it really made a difference.